(click it)

the following parts were all said by him !

-no shipping his irl self, character is okay only if its a ship they confirmed or something if that makes sense

-no sexualizing

-no nsfw art or fics
pretty self explanatory

-do not dig for old pictures of him or pictures of his family

-this one mostly goes out to editors, don't edit his old self and say "oh how much i miss him and his old content :///" none of that shit, he's happy with his current content let him be

-Don't email his business for weird shit and laughs

-He doesn't care if you call him alex or alexis.

-do not speak for him
-DO NOT use his face in drama, don't say "and stan quackity instead !!!"

-don't send him donos asking to say hi to someone if that makes sense
"say hi to ..."

-also don't bring up topics that'll put him in the spot

-don't donate those weird ass lookalike videos of him during future media shares including the skirt one

-he doesn't like it when someone takes pictures of him without his consent in public, just ask him so that he's aware at least

-doesnt like when people mention him in other chats randomly (when he has nothing to do with it.)

-Don't spam copypastas in his chat